I finally got my main Atari 1040STE (“Jules”) set up with STiNG 1.26 (TCPIP stack) and CAB 2.8e (Crystal Atari Browser). Browsing the web on a computer that was created 10 years before the web was is a pretty rough experience. I expect the real endgame will be to realy get a decent two-way transfer system set up like FTP (SMB is not an option without considering MultiTOS or something like that). I’ve been slowly assembling a nice collection of popular and useful utilities, applications, and even a few games. The main focus, however, will be to use Jules to archive the large stack of in-box games I got last year.
I also ended up jailbreaking my Sony PS Vita 1000 handheld console and have been enjoying playing some games on it here and there.
Moving away from retro computers and on to retro comics (back issues), I’ve been on a bit of a tear with that too. I’ve been filling in some missing issues, but also tried my luck on buying three 30-issue random grab bags, of which I was quite surprised on what I got.

Comics added to collection:
- The Adventures of Superman: 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 457, 462
- The Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 6: 40, 41
- The Avengers, Vol. 8: 9
- Doctor Strange, Vol. 6: 10, 11
- Fantastic Four, Vol. 7: 15
- Gargoyles, Vol. 3: 11
- Invincible Iron Man, Vol. 4 Annual: 1
- Silver Surfer, Vol. 3: -1, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20
- Silver Surfer, Vol. 3 Annual: 6, 7, 1997, 1998
- Silver Surfer: Rebirth Legacy: 5
- Spider-Man, Vol 4 Annual: 1
- Star Wars, Vol. 5: 42
- Superman, Vol. 6: 9
- Thundercats: 2
Grab bag comics added to collection:
- Alpha Flight, Vol. 1: 24, 32, 36, 37
- Alpha Flight, Vol. 1 Annual: 2
- Alpha Flight Special: 4
- Cable, Vol. 1: 15, 84, 104, 105
- Cable, Vol. 2: 12
- Cable and X-Force: 1
- D.P.7: 3, 5, 12
- Darkhawk: 4
- Deathlok, Vol. 2: 2, 4, 21
- Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme: 25
- ElfQuest: 22
- The Eternals, Vol. 2: 7
- Exiles, Vol. 1: 40, 78
- Fear Itself: The Deep: 4
- G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero: 2
- G.I. Joe: Special Missions, Vol. 1: 1
- Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 1: 4, 5
- Heroes Reborn, Vol. 1: 1/2
- Heroes for Hire, Vol. 1: 1
- The Infinity Crusade: 1
- Infinity Wars: 1
- The Irredeemable Ant-Man: 12
- Ka-Zar, Vol. 4: 9
- Mandrake the Magician: 1
- Marvel Team-Up, Vol. 1: 99
- M.O.D.O.K. Assassin: 2, 3
- The Micronauts, Vol. 2: 7
- The ‘Nam: 56, 58
- The New Defenders: 150
- The New Mutants, Vol. 1: 17, 20, 22
- Nightmask: 1
- Night Thrasher: Four Control: 1, 3, 4
- Nova, Vol. 4: 12
- The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Update ’89: 6
- Poe Dameron: 28
- Power Man and Iron Fist, Vol. 1: 71, 82, 107, 112
- Powerless: 2, 6
- PSI Force: 1
- Sleepwalker: 14
- Solo Avengers: 16
- Spider-Man, Vol. 1: 57
- Spider-Man: Enter the Spider-Verse: 1
- Spitfire and the Troubleshooters: 1
- Star Wars, Vol. 2: 47, 48, 49, 53, 54
- Star Wars, Vol. 3: 15
- Star Wars: Age of Resistance: Rose Tico: 1
- Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters: 3
- Strikeforce: Morituri: 1
- Terror, Inc., Vol. 1: 1, 2, 3
- Thunderbolts, Vol. 1: 166, 168, 172
- Ultimate Power: 1, 8, 9
- War is Hell, Vol. 2: 1
- Winter Guard: 1
- Wonder Man, Vol. 2: 4, 14
- Wonder Man, Vol. 2 Annual: 1
- X-Calibre: 3
- X-Force: Killshot: 1