Gobble, Gobble

We’re gearing up for the big Turkey Day feast like everyone else in the country. I plan on being up bright and early to start in on the cooking along with Shauna. My grandmother won’t be able to make it, as she’s feeling under the weather and doesn’t want to make everyone sick too, but other than her, the usual bunch will gather a feed from the Chewbode glutton trough. I suspect that while everyone is beating each other about the head and neck on Black Friday, I’ll simply be sitting around rubbing my still-stuffed belly and waging an internal battle; more food, or sleep?

All production has halted for the holiday, but should begin back up this weekend. Depend if I’ve come out of my gigantic carb-fog yet.

Sick Thought of the Day: Nut twist squeal.

The Holiday Event Horizon

This week’s been nuts. I’m taking next week off (vacation), and I’m trying to get as much done as I can before I leave the office tomorrow at 2:30pm. I think it’ll be ok…

Friday (Christmas Eve), Shauna and I are going to go have a little dinner and present-opening party at her dad’s house. We got him some pretty good gifts I think he’ll enjoy.

Saturday is Christmas day, so everyone that came over for Thanksgiving is due over. Shauna’s decided that a large pot roast will be substituted for the turkey this year and green bean casserole will be substituted for the stuffing. Other than that, it’ll be the same. Well, other than the present festival.

After Saturday, there’s going to be PLENTY of relaxing and playing CoH. Oh yeah, baby. Oh yeah.

Sick Thought of the Day: Crashed Mapserver