I finished the first draft of the script tonight. Fucking A. It’s a really good feeling to have this damned thing done. It ended up being 35 pages long, which isn’t too terrible. Tomorrow afternoon I’ll be heading down to Millard’s and we’re going to spend a few hours reading it and editing it, changing it as needed. If we don’t decide to do a total re-write on it, I should be able to get all the changes made Monday. Er… tomorrow… Damn. It’s late.
Millard swung by tonight and we were going to head over to McCurdy’s Comedy Club to see a show. We got there and the line ended up being pretty long. After maybe 10 minutes waiting in line (and only moving about 15 feet), we decided to head back to my place to play some Vice City. He’s crashing here because I noticed his headlight was out and, with it being Memorial Day weekend and all, he thought it a bad idea to be out after dark. No tickets, please.
Tomorrow begins my new workout regiment. (watch out ladies!)
Edit: I was going to post this blog last night, but by the time I got around to it, the website backup was running and I couldn’t log in. 🙁
Sick Thought of the Day: Masturbating bull moose, making liquid acorns.