Yesterday I received an email that all of the paperwork for the new house is finally complete. The process started in earnest on January 28, but it took some time to jump through allĀ of the hoops. I have a meeting coming up soon where I’ll sit with construction team and go over the timeline. The expected completion date is early August. We’re pretty excited.
Even though it’s only been three months since I first started the process going, I’ve been planning out a new studio infrastructure for about a year. I’ve racked all of the equipment, ordered new network switches, and have been building a new server environment. Part of this has been virtualizing and normalizing all of the computers, which has been a challenge. The last piece of that will be completed this coming week, when I receive a new 5TB hard drive for one of the hypervisors. Once it’s installed, I’ll move the file server to it and be done building servers.
There are currently two projects I’m spinning up now: doing some design and animation side-work for Carl, and creating some landing pages on the internal webserver for all sites for all of the domains I own. The latter task is a two-phase project. Phase one will be all about building the sites in the server, dropping CMS systems in place, and getting the sites, most of which have been offline for years, at least responding again. Phase two involves building out internal “dev” versions of the sites, testing them, then rolling them out to the internet-facing production webserver. So, over the next several months, sites should be coming back online.
Well, it’s time to run some errands. I’ll post soon.