Great Scott! The DeLorean: Part 1

A couple of weeks ago I was catching up on some videos from, and they had posted a piece from New York Comic Con where they talked to Eaglemoss Collections about an upcoming subscription-based version of the Ecto-1 from Ghostbusters.

This model, as well as the fact it was subscription based, was very intriguing to me. I poked around on their site and found they were also selling the DeLorean time machine from the Back to the Future films.

After thinking about it for a couple of days, I decided to get Doc Brown’s amazing invention. Today, the first two issues arrived with some parts. Below are some photos of everything. All told, I spent about an hour unpacking and building the pieces.

Just opened the box.
This booklet outlines the the different features of the model after it’s built.
This fold-out shows the model at actual size.
Issue 1 of the magazine, which illustrated how to build the back bumper assembly, the right rear tail light, and the license plate.
Issue 2 of the magazine, which includes the left tail light and left quarter panel.
A poster showing all of the individual parts that the car is made from.
The parts from Issue 1.
The parts from Issue 2.
Starting the build.
All of the parts from Issues 1 & 2 have been assembled. I included the 6-sided die for reference…
…and my hand, for reference.

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