I’m in a transitional phase yet again. The house I’ve been renting for the last several months has been sold. I was supposed to be out this past Monday, the 18th, however the deal fell through – or at the very least has been put on hold for a little while.
So, I’ve been searching for a new place, which has been very difficult, mostly because I’ve got such poor credit and am getting turned down left and right for apartments and house rentals (mostly through real estate agents). My only hope is to get a cool owner that is willing to do first and last month’s rent with a security deposit and not run a credit check. I got a bite today and will be talking to someone tomorrow about a house just a few blocks from here, in South Tampa. I’m also looking at a 1,200 sq. ft. studio apartment up in Wesley Chapel this coming Monday. Fingers are crossed.
I’ve been reading Dr. David Madow’s book Impress The World With Your Body In Seven Dayson my iPhone. Essentially, it’s a guide to set you up with an eating, attitude, and exercise ritual for each day of the week. So far, I’m on day two and am right on target. I’m going to try this for a while in an effort to get down to my ideal weight and just feel better in general. I went out to Sports Authority today and bought a couple of 10 lb. dumbells and a bar that hooks under any door so you can properly do situps. I’m even tinkering with the idea of posting my workout and diet info up on the site here. Maybe. Although, just doing frequent blog entries will be pretty therapeutic, so I’m not sure…