I re-tested and the tank is now at a good 7.0 pH, so I decided to move everyone in. All 33 inhabitants are now testing out the new crib. The current roster is:
- (1) Snail (*Unknown species)
- (2) Dalmation Molly
- (1) Lg White Molly
- (2) Sm White Molly
- (5) Neon Tetra
- (1) Lemon Tetra
- (2) Lg Plecostomus
- (5) Cory Catfish
- (1) Lg Red-Tailed Shark
- (5) Serpae Tetra
- (7) Orange Tiger Barb
- (1) Indigo Betta
I also planted the 2 Sword plants and the 5 Money Wort plants.