he Middle of Everywhere

Wow. I haven’t blogged in about a month and a half. That’s not good. I think the reason I haven’t been writing much in the past six months is largely due to the fact that I had to drive an hour and fifteen minutes to work every morning, then an hour and fifteen minutes back in the evening. You couple that with long hours (60-70 hour weeks), you get one tired Chewbode; one who wants nothing to do with the computer when he gets home. That’s not good either.

Well, all that is about to change. This past week Shauna and I finally moved to Tampa. The apartment we got into is really nice and we’ve got a lot more room. So much more in fact, that I’ve decided that I’m re-building the studio to be more suited for a production company. I’m looking into getting a new desk that will allow more freedom when I edit, etc.

Being in Tampa now means I’m 5 minutes from work. Closer to work = less driving. Less driving = Chewbode with energy. Chewbode with energy = Suncoast Studios can finally start getting work done.

I have several projects that I’m working on: The project with Jeff, some graphic design for Jeff, some rendering for Millard, the movie is about to come out of moth-balls finally, I’m about to start shooting a commercial for a real estate company, and I will also be creating an animated corporate logo for another production company that’s releasing a film. I’m going to have to fire up my Google Calendars to organize all this.

Oh yeah, I’m also starting up a new company too. Whew.

I recently saw Transformers with Schunk and his dad. Not a terrible movie. The special effects and nostalgic ambiance saved it for me, even though the robots didn’t look like the ones in the cartoon. Michael Bay movies really have some terrible plots, but at least this one had some comedy, etc.

Well, I’m gonna get busy. Will be posting a lot more frequently now.

Sick Thought of the Day: Asshole; spilling onto the chest.

Getting Fixed or Totaled?

Spring is in the air. Some rain showers have been moving through the area lately, the birds seem to be singing a little louder, and the greenery is coming back.

My life has been — guess! — really, really hectic lately. I went to battle with my auto insurance company and the collision center over my car a couple of weeks ago. I even called Ford who sicced their collision people on them. At that point it had been three weeks and I hadn’t heard anything about the car. Was it going to be totaled? Were they going to fix it? There’s no way it should take three weeks to decide that. So, I got irritated and started making the nasty phone calls. The end result: Two days after I started making a stink, I hear from the insurance company that they’re gonna fix the car. I called the dealership and the collision center tells me “one week to get the parts in, three weeks to rebuild the car.” So, I’m still stuck with the rental car (PT Cruiser) until then, although I’m thinking of taking it back Monday for a smaller, cheaper car now that the rental car is coming out of my own pocket. I should get the Mustang back around the end of the month.

Shauna’s niece, Misti, and her family came down from Atlanta last week and stayed with us for a few days. It was nice to see the kids. They used our apartment as a base of operations and went out every day to Orlando, etc. to have fun.

I got a “creatively acquired” copy of 300 on DVD. Wow. I hope to see Grindhouse this weekend of next.

This is the first day I’ve had off for two weeks. There’s been a massive project at work that has involved me working nearly 80-hour weeks. Thankfully, I hired an assistant and he’s doing the last little bit of work for me this weekend so I can chill out and not resort to bringing in a shotgun to the office Monday.

There’s been very little progress on my behalf on the project, but that will turn around this weekend. This morning I’m going to catch up on paying bills, and then I’m getting together with Jeff for the day to discuss ideas and work on building more sets.

Sick Thought of the Day: Rip the retina.

Throwing You A Bone

Not much has been happening lately. I still don’t know what’s happening to my car, whether it’ll be totaled or not. I hope to hear something in the next couple of days. Last I heard Ford called the insurance adjuster on Wednesday last week. I hope he gets his ass in gear soon.

I cataloged my large stack of comics finally and uploaded the new list to the Digital Archive. I really need to find some time to go through my nine longboxes of books and re-organize them all. Right now they’re just all in there out of order and that’s killing me. I hate it when that happens. But, I’ve been really lazy with the books lately. Need to quit that. Maybe that’ll be a good Saturday chore.

I’ve been doing a lot of work on the next project. There’s a bunch of set building going on and I’m working on some digital effects. I hope we’ll be able to start talking about it soon. On the other hand, I will be shooting a new commercial / video digest for a local company in the next few weeks. More on that to come… Oh, and we didn’t win the photo contest. Drat.

I went out and bought a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro flight stick the other day because I’ve been totally hating using a regular game controller for playing the space combat in Star Wars Galaxies. I picked that up and a copy of Microsoft’s Flight Simulator X, which kicks some serious ass. The last flight simulator I owned was back on the Atari ST and it was called… Flight Simulator from a company called subLOGIC. Yeah. Kind of a big difference.

I’ve been watching movies lately. A lot of them. I’ve seen funployees, a green gamma-bombarded dude, Roy Sheider piloting a kick-ass and dangerous police helicopter, Bartleby and Loki trying to get back into Heaven, del Toro’s sick fairy tale, and…

Angel (Rent)

Sick Thought of the Day: Pinch the ear off with pliers.


Last night, Millard, Devin and I went to the theater down the road and saw The Number 23. It was a pretty good suspense thriller over all. Jim Carrey was really good in it and after seeing him in non-comedic rolls (The Majestic and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind), I had a feeling he would do just fine in this movie. It had a couple of unexpected twists and turns and had, what I thought, was a refreshing ending.

I also cataloged all the comics I had laying around for the last few weeks, and bagged and boarded them. I’ve updated the list in the Digital Archive.

Sick Thought of the Day: Taught nuts in a vise make sweet cheese extracts.

Another Blog For You (Finally)

One again, it seems like forever since I’ve blogged. The odd thing is that I’ve been thinking about blogging a lot, but every time I go to do it I just seem too tired or busy to execute it. Well, I’ve had a good night’s sleep finally and nothing is going on right now so…

The new job’s been great. It’s long hours and the work can be a little overwhelming, but it’s a lot of fun and the people are great. Yeah, yeah, I know I keep saying all that, but it’s so weird for me to deal with that. Traditionally, I’ve worked with companies that try to really keep this stiff business lip and that kind of environment really drains me. I feel that I’m a very creative person in general and really know my stuff professionally, and the sterile environment of some companies drains me like you wouldn’t believe. Those are the kinds of places where I really don’t care if I’m late or what people think of me there. I mean, I’ll try to be professional and all, but I really have no energy to take initiative. These are usually places that hire someone like me (with 10 years of IT experience) and then never trust what they say because they either look too young to be credible, or they act like they listen to you but really have no interest in what you’re saying because it boils down to money, as most IT things unfortunately do. When I’m in that environment, I feel like “why should I put forth by best effort if they won’t take me seriously or care about what I’m saying?” It’s not like that at the company I’m at now. These people WANT to know what’s going on and RELY on that knowledge. They actually LISTEN to what the hired professionals tell them and earnestly TRY to find ways to make it happen. The effort of the owners and board really shows too. It’s not all smoke and mirrors. That’s such a cool, new thing for me. Exactly how I’d run a company.

On the Suncoast Studios front, the photo contest that we entered into still has not been concluded in that the judges haven’t announced the winners yet. I hope that comes to fruition in the next week or so because, with a little insider information I gleaned, I think that we really have a chance of winning the contest. The new production that’s started is going full-force and we’ve made a lot of headway. We’re still in development, but we’ve started some pre-production things and have actually built a couple of the main pieces we’re going to use in the shoot. Set building is scheduled to begin in the next two weeks and we are going to be writing a script shortly thereafter. I would bet that you’ll be hearing a lot about the shoot on the Suncoast Studios website in about a month or so.

Millard’s in town. He flew in Thursday morning and is doing some work for a local company. Shauna and I have him staying with us. Thursday night, to christen him back to Sarasota, I picked him up from the job he was doing and we went out to the store to grab a bunch of food. That night we made some Mexican food and he and I both wolfed down huge-assed burritos. Last night all three of us went out to Wings N Weenies and ate way too much food.

Speaking of Wings N Weenies, the weirdest fucking thing happened there last night. We get there and sit down at a table and order drinks. We’re talking, joking about things (you know the usual) and the one of the waitresses comes up and says “How’s the movie going?”, I thought I mis-heard her or something and was like “What?”. She repeats the question and I’m still not sure what she’s referring to and it occurs to me at that point that maybe she think’s I’m someone else and that I just saw a movie at the theater next door and yada, yada… So I look at her all funny and say “Which movie?” and she’s like “Aren’t you Matt?” and tells me my address. I’m totally confused and I look over at Millard across the table and he’s looking at me like I’m crazy, which is exactly how I felt right then. I look back at her with an apparently blank look and she says “You guys were making a movie a while back.” Ding, ding, ding! Fucking duh! “Oh, it’s done shooting and we’re now editing.” is what I tell her. I think at that point she said something else and walked away, satisfied with the answer I gave her. So, at that point I’m weirded out by how the fuck she knew that and I verbalize my thoughts about it to Shauna and Millard, and Millard reminded me that that same girl delivered food to my place one night while we were set up and shooting in my living room. Ah, it all flooded back to me then and I remembered the entire incident, and the waitress’s comments all made sense. Then I thought about it and realized that it was like eight months ago or so that we did that shoot and the girl remembered it, my NAME and my ADDRESS. It must have made some impression on her (hello, my ego), or she just has a really good memory (most likely the case). That stunned me for like half an hour last night. It was weird for me to be instantly recognized for something (and she hasn’t actually seen the movie, just knew we were shooting it). Sure, in the inner-circle of my friends and family, they all know what Suncoast Studios is and what we’re doing, but to have someone else actually come up to me like that was odd. It was odd in a good way though. After I got over the initial shock of it, I really felt good about it because I realized that I went from someone who is behind the scenes to and actual filmmaking. It was a sudden jump in (and I use this phrase SPARINGLY) “celebrity-status”. I got a taste of what it must be like for other, important people in the industry. I loved it.

So, after that we went back to my place and watched the new Mike Judge movie, Idiocracy, which was pretty funny. Today, with the help of Brad Fries, we’re gonna go clean out the storage unit where we’ve been keeping all the MutantMall merchandise and Suncoast Studios equipment. Later on we’re gonna hang out with Devin.

Sick Thought of the Day: Bring the beef to the lips, make the sausage sing.

Bye, Bye Miss January

This is a long overdue entry. I’ve been extremely busy getting acclimated with my new job. I get up at 6:00am, hit the road by 7:00am, and get to work sometime between 8:00am and 8:15am. I work until 5:00pm (sometimes 6:00pm) and get home around 6:00pm or 7:00pm. The drive is crazy. I have to drive 65 miles each way back and forth to Tampa. I’m very comfortable with the job now, and even when I leave work I’ve got tons of energy. However, by the time I get home that energy is gone and I’m exhausted from the drive. I need to learn how to relax on that somehow. I guess it’ll come in time. So, I usually go to bed around 10:00pm so that really only leaves me with about 3 good hours each night. And, if there’s a Lightning game on, I get home, change into shorts and a tee, and watch the game, then off to bed with me. I’ve been doing that a lot.

However, I’ve found some time to be creative. Suncoast Studios has entered into a photo contest sponsored by Informa, my prior employer. Jeff and I worked for about 20 hours or so planning, shooting, and editing the photos. They were submitted this week and we’ll know if we win in the coming week or so.

I’ve also begun pre-production on a new project which has blossomed into a very promising endeavor. I’m very excited about it. I don’t want to say too much about it right now, but, suffice it to say, it’s going to be huge and could very well be the breakthrough project for Suncoast Studios. Jeff and I are co-creators and will both be equally involved in the production. Keep your eye on the website in the coming weeks for more.

This past Saturday marked the completion of my 33rd year of existence. Luckily, there were no friends visiting my bedsheets. Instead my mom, Glen and Amy all came over for the day and we ate pizza, watched movies (Clerks II, Click) and got really sleepy from all the carbs. We celebrated my birthday and Shauna’s, whose is this coming Monday. She got me Superman Returns and Iron Man on DVD, and I got her a new necklace.

I’ve been getting to a point lately where I really have been inspired to loose weight. I’ve been an off-and-on exerciser for a couple of years, but I’m really getting serious about it finally. I figure I need to loose the pot-belly and get a little healthier. My goal is to loose 50 (!) pounds, which sounds like a lot, but it’s not really. That’ll bring me down to my ideal weight. Those of you who frequent my blog know I really don’t talk about this kind of thing unless I’m decidedly serious on doing it. So there. I’m gonna do it. I have my handy diet and exercise software on my iPaq and am ready to go! Maybe this will counter the 2 months of sitting around eating while I was laid off.

Sick Thought of the Day: Smashing fingertips with the lead pipe, making nails pop off and blood leak.

Happy Thanksgiving

I’ve been watching a lot of The Muppet Show courtesy of NetFlix. I decided to take a break from Battlestar Galactica (gasp!). However, the three Muppet discs are going back into the mailbox on Friday and BSG season 2.5 will be on its way to me.

Speaking of great things on the boob-tube, Shauna and I watched a great little independent film the other night called Unknown. The primes of the story is that five guys wake up from being passed out in an abandoned chemical factory with no memory of who they are or why they’re there. As the story progresses, their memories begin to trickle back into their heads and the men begin to piece together what happened and what’s going on.

I cleaned the apartment today and got everything ready for turkey day tomorrow. When Shauna got home from work, we prepped the rutabagas, stuffing, green bean casserole, and make a couple dozen cookies. Tomorrow’s the big day. I’ll post pictures.

It’s been very cool here the last couple of weeks. I think we’ve had the air conditioning off for the entire time. I love it. Each day this past five day or so, I’ve had the windows open and it’s gotten down to 63 to 65 degrees in the apartment with brisk winds blowing the stale air out of the place from time to time. I love winter time in Florida.

Sick Thought of the Day: Mashed potatoes in the butt crack. Cheese optional.

Hell Week, Better Weekend

Oh, there is so much to blog about today…

First off, I got laid off from work this past week. My last day was Friday. I’ve been thinking about how I wanted to write about this major event in my life, and, for a while, I was bitter about it all. I even was opting at one point to write this nasty entry about it all. After giving myself a couple days to reflect on it all, I’ve decided to just state some simple facts about it. I was laid off Friday because my job was phased out. The software and most of the systems I’ve worked on over the past seven years have been going away this year, and the last big software package I supported is being shut down on December 1st. I was officially let go around 10:30am on Friday, and they gave me the option of staying the rest of the day. I immediately packed up my stuff. What was the use of staying there for seven and a half more hours? Plus, I really didn’t want to go through the entire emotional ordeal that surrounds someone leaving – people stopping by, asking about the details, hugging, crying, etc. I guess I’m too much of a pussy for that stuff.

So, I told the guys what had happened and Jeff told me to get my stuff together and we’d go to lunch. I said goodbye to my boss, John, and to Chad, both of whom I’ve worked with in the department for the past 2 years or so. Me, Jeff, Schafer, David, Kelly, Paul and Peter all got into our cars around noon or so and headed downtown to Two Senoritas for lunch. I had my usual, the marinated chicken burritos. We sat there, laughed about things, talked about the future and, in general, had a lot of fun. These guys are a fun bunch and I’ll miss hanging out with them everyday, playing Tap-It, and talking about disgusting things. Thanks for the fun guys!

As for me, the company gave me a seven-week severance package and paid out my vacation time. I don’t have and precise plans yet, but I have my recruiter looking into things and should be on the warpath for a new job after Thanksgiving (I’m told next week is dead for recruiting).

Well, what else is going on?… Well, after telling Schunk about everything that happened at work, he and I went out to the Sarasota Ale House for drinks Friday night. We talked about stuff, and one of the topics that came up was that we hadn’t been to see and R/C air shows in a while. Well, it just so happens that there was a show going on this weekend, so we headed out this morning to go see it. Me, Jon, his daughter and his dad all met at Jon’s house around 10:00am this morning and then proceeded to head over to the airfield. I snapped a bunch of photos and uploaded them to the Picture Gallery. Anyway, I had a couple of big hot dogs (of course) and a Diet Coke, and we sat and watched the pilots qualify. The field was hosting the 2006 Corvin Miller Memorial Contest U.S. Scale Masters Qualifier. We watched several exquisite aircraft fly. At one point a custom-built jet took off and I stood there and just took in the awesome smell of the kerosene. Mmm. We stayed until about 11:30 and then headed back to Schunk’s, where I soon departed for home.

I’ve also caught up on my comic book listing, and that’s now current in the Digital Archive.

Yesterday I picked up a copy of Cars on DVD and Shauna and I watched it last night. Great movie. I was amazed at the complexity of some of the scenes. The textures were amazing. Top-notch, Pixar. Top-notch.

I’ve also started reading Stephen King’s new book, On Writing.  I’ve made it all the way through the third introduction.

Sick Thought of the Day: Heat the iron, stick the tip into the sphincter, make the room smell like burnt dog hair.

Troublemaker, Chili

I had this weird dream the other night:

I was at Troublemaker Studios in Austin, which is owned and operated by director Robert Rodriguez. He and Quentin Taratino are good friends. In the dream, they had asked me to direct a film for them. I think they were going to produce it, so I was the one holding the reins. This is a massive-budget movie. I mean there’re grips, PAs, DPs, actors… the whole sha-bang. Millions of dollars on the line.

So, I’m sitting there directing the scenes, and all I can hear is Robert yelling “keep the shots real!” from about thirty feet behind me. I have no fucking idea what he’s talking about – maybe it’s that he doesn’t want anything to seem contrived, but I’m not sure. Of course, there’s this little voice in the back of my head that’s like “man, just go with it and hope you’re doing what he wants.” I’m trying to both concentrate on the shots and make sure we have the appropriate coverage, and I’m thinking about what the fuck Robert is talking about, repeating that phrase every three or four minutes.

I’m nervous that I’ll mess it up and they’ll never want to work with me again and I’ll be a laughing-stock in the industry. But, I trudge on. Then Quentin starts in. He’s this hyper guy who, as Fiona Apple once said, is like a six-year-old in that he speaks his mind and doesn’t care what other people think, he just blurts it out. That’s not to say what he says isn’t intelligent, but, because of his excited nature, he pushes out sentences and will sometimes stumble and use one dollar words just to get the point across.

He also is profane and talks about some sick shit. Just like me.

So, Quentin’s back there next to Robert and he’s doing his nervous/excited thing and he blurts out, after I cut a scene, “I can’t wait for the fucking cum-shot!”.

Now, to clarify things, I was not shooting a prono. This phrase Quentin uses frequently in real–life and he is simply stating that he can’t wait for the “pay off” or the “really cool scene”. The climax of the shooting, if you will. So, he says that and then he just stands there with his arms outstretched to his sides like he wants to hug someone, but he doesn’t, and he speaks no more.

So now I’m doubly nervous that HE won’t like what I’m doing either. At one point, while I’m sweating and thinking and directing, I hear my PA say that there’s a naked man at the gate of the studio out front and he wants to talk to me, and says he’s the “marble from the bag” which I take to mean he’s the actor we’ve been waiting on, who’s now like an hour late.

I get up and hand the camera man, who looks a lot like Elvis Costello, this book I’ve been holding that has all the storyboards in it. Evidently, the passing of the book to the camera man is equal in power to Captain Kirk telling Spock “you have conn”. I leave my ship and head to front gates, leaving Elvis to continue to shoot my scenes.

As I’m trying to get to the gate, I have to pass through a building that houses the mixing and sound stages. I get lost in it and end up in a room full of Ethernet cables. The room is about 10 feet by ten feet and there’s nothing in the room except Ethernet cables connecting jacks in the north wall to the jacks in the south wall. There’s thousands of cables. I get really mad because I realize this is a “pass-through room” and that the idiot who engineered it decided to A.) randomly connect the north wall’s jack to the south wall’s jack instead of connecting the north wall’s jack “A” to the south wall’s jack “A”, and B.) he didn’t use all the same colored cables.

Finally, I push my way through/under the cables and make it to the door on the opposite wall from me. I open it and I’m in the break room and Robert, Quentin, and the naked guy are all sitting at this crappy round table like you’d fine in an office’s break room, and they’re eating lunch. Elvis walks up to me and hands the book back to me and then joins them. I can tell they’re all upset at me for not “doing my job”. Robert stands up with a mouthful of tuna-salad sandwich and tells me that I have another chance to make it up to him, and that it hurt that I took advantage of such an amazing opportunity that he’d presented to me.

— End fucked-up, stressful dream. —

In the real world, I’ve been working on getting my third render finished. As always, I’m being totally anal about it and it’s taking longer than I hoped. I’m happy to say that I’m actually doing the final render. 216 frames, 2m1s to render one frame. After it’s all rendered out, then it’s time to composite and then edit.

Devin and I talked about hot dogs today. We bantered back and forth about how the chili-cheese dogs from 7-11 are awesome. I told him that the RaceTrac that just opened up near my office had dogs that were on par. We then discussed how it’s a shame that you NEED a bun for the chili-cheese dogs, since all that did was take up space in your belly that should be used for chili/cheese/weenies. He then said that it would be awesome if they had little bowls that you could dump pre-cut-up hot dogs into (ala the weenies in Spaghetti-Os) and then you could just walk to the cheese and chili dispenser and top the meat. Brilliant fucking idea. He then told me that he looked inside the dispenser once and saw how the big sack of chili has this tube hanging from the bottom with a nipple on it and how the machine milked the nipple/shaft to get the chili out.

There’s nothing else you need to know.


Sick Thought of the Day: Paper bag on the chicken-wing that hangs between your legs.

Pucks and Wii

I’ve joined a fantasy hockey league up on Yahoo! with a bunch of people I know from work. It’s fun. I like it. I will do it again next year. I enjoy watching the games (the Lightning at least), but it adds a little more now because I have players on my fantasy team from all over the real league, and I think I’ll get to a point real soon where I’ll watch those teams play on TV as well. At least once in a while. Speaking of which, the Lightning play tonight. Excellent.

I’m currently researching some ideas for some short films. I may start pre-production as early as November 1st. Keep watching the Suncoast Studios site for more info.

I tried to get a preorder in on a Nintendo Wii. I called ten different EB Games stores throughout Sarasota, Bradenton, Tampa, St. Pete, and Mt. Myers around 10:30am today. All preorders were filled except one store in northern Ft. Myers. They still had three left. I was psyched! I asked the guy if I could get one and he said, and I quote, “Sure, if you can make it down to the store.” Shit! I totally forgot about that snag. If I knew I could drive an hour and a half down to Ft. Myers and they’d still have one preorder available, I would’ve done it in a heart beat. I just couldn’t justify leaving work for three hours (round trip, ya know) and then have a high probability of coming back empty handed. My boss would have been cool with it if I actually gotten a Wii (he’s a gadget freak too). Oh well. I guess I’ll just wait until they start taking pre-orders on the EB Games website.

I watched The Score last night on DVD. A friend of mine from work lent it to me. It’s a great story. I think I’ve realized that I really enjoy movies where I root for the bad guy: The Thomas Crown Affair, Pulp Fiction, The Score, etc. I’m not sure why, but I think it has to do with the fact that you’re doing something you shouldn’t be doing (rooting for the guy who’s hurting everyone), which is an interesting way to get someone (like me) feel more like they’re part of the movie, suspending their disbelief more.

I will play a lot of Lego Star Wars this weekend, and hopefully finish it.

Sick Thought of the Day: Cough. Cough. CoughFartShit.