Throwing You A Bone

Not much has been happening lately. I still don’t know what’s happening to my car, whether it’ll be totaled or not. I hope to hear something in the next couple of days. Last I heard Ford called the insurance adjuster on Wednesday last week. I hope he gets his ass in gear soon.

I cataloged my large stack of comics finally and uploaded the new list to the Digital Archive. I really need to find some time to go through my nine longboxes of books and re-organize them all. Right now they’re just all in there out of order and that’s killing me. I hate it when that happens. But, I’ve been really lazy with the books lately. Need to quit that. Maybe that’ll be a good Saturday chore.

I’ve been doing a lot of work on the next project. There’s a bunch of set building going on and I’m working on some digital effects. I hope we’ll be able to start talking about it soon. On the other hand, I will be shooting a new commercial / video digest for a local company in the next few weeks. More on that to come… Oh, and we didn’t win the photo contest. Drat.

I went out and bought a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro flight stick the other day because I’ve been totally hating using a regular game controller for playing the space combat in Star Wars Galaxies. I picked that up and a copy of Microsoft’s Flight Simulator X, which kicks some serious ass. The last flight simulator I owned was back on the Atari ST and it was called… Flight Simulator from a company called subLOGIC. Yeah. Kind of a big difference.

I’ve been watching movies lately. A lot of them. I’ve seen funployees, a green gamma-bombarded dude, Roy Sheider piloting a kick-ass and dangerous police helicopter, Bartleby and Loki trying to get back into Heaven, del Toro’s sick fairy tale, and…

Angel (Rent)

Sick Thought of the Day: Pinch the ear off with pliers.

Week 1, 2007

The first week of 2007 has slipped into history and what do I have to show for it? The year is already 2.64% past us! I don’t have much to show. Yet.

After the aftermath of New Years, where Glen and Amy stayed over night and we had some drinks, food, and Glen and I played Star Wars Galaxies all night; I began the road to new employment. I applied for a couple positions in Tampa. One company e-mailed me back on the 2nd and asked if I’d be up for a phone interview on Friday, the 5th. Of course I said yes. I interviewed with them on Friday and they wanted me to come in for a face-to-face interview on Monday (yesterday). So, I got a haircut and shaved and went in Monday and met with the head-honchos for two hours. They will make the decision today on whether or not I get the job. I’ll know this afternoon. I think there were one or two other people in the running as well. I guess their IT Manager is leaving the company on the 16th, so they need to fill the position immediately. If I get it, I start tomorrow.

I’ve been playing a lot of SWG lately in my downtime. I’ve had a lot of trouble getting creative so I’ve tried to numb my mind with gaming. I have a really cool project I started and want to move forward with it, but just have had no energy to work on it. I’ve found that, in the last couple of weeks, I’ve had trouble hearing my inner-voice. I’ve constantly got music in my head or some sort of technical thing. My brain is still purging IIR out of it, as I’ve been having strange dreams for the last month or so about being there and working, but everyone knows I don’t work there anymore and I’m just working for the “fun of it”. All the people I interacted with on a daily basis are in the dream, albeit in different positions throughout the office. These dreams aren’t disturbing or anything, but when I wake up I feel weird for a few minutes, like how you feel when you have a dream about going to school or work with no pants on or something like that. Maybe it’s my unconscious mind telling me that I need to be working. I dunno. I’m sure when I get a new job, my creativity will filter back in and I’ll stop this mindless existance.

So, yeah, I’ve been playing SWG a lot. I have also been adding new artwork into the Digital Archive. I’ve added a drawing of Cavalier, the original Hypertask Industries logo, and a drawing I did of the X-Men team Excalibur. I’ll continue to add to this, of course, over time. The video games section needs to get fixed as well, as the PC titles are offline (I’ve got about four out of 20 or so titles fixed) and the PS2 and Xbox games still need to be adjusted.

Sick Thought of the Day: Buttercup finger thrust.


This will most likely be my last blog entry for 2006. I feel that this year, overall, has been kind of a cruddy year. Of course, getting laid off was bad, but the loss of my father-in-law was, by far, the worst. I’ll be happy when this year is behind us and 2007 greets us with open arms. I really feel like 2007 will be a great year for me and Shauna. I think I’ve said that in the past, but I truly feel it this time. Anyway, enough of that…

I updated the comic book list on the site. I’ll be updating it again this weekend after I pick up the last couple weeks worth of books.

I got three new video games for Christmas: Big Brain Academy (DS), Age of Empires: The Age of Kings (DS), and Destroy All Humans! (Xbox). I’ve added the two DS games to the Digital Archive along with a DS game I bought several months ago, Zoo Tycoon DS. Destroy All Humans! Isn’t up there yet, as I’ve not had a chance to re-work the Xbox games. I’ve been hard at work re-building the PC games area, and that should be up and running in the next week or so.

I’ve also added a new entry to the Artwork section, which is the Suncoast Studios business cards I’ve recently designed. The entry details the process of all the variations I went through to get the cards looking like I wanted them to.

For those of you who’ve been watching my Xfire banner at the bottom of my homepage, you’ve noticed that I’ve been playing an enormous amount of Star Wars Galaxies lately. In about 40 hours time, I got Zev from level 17 to level 35, and joined the Entertainer’s Alliance, which is a guild in the game. Last night I attended my first guild meeting and was the only one besides the guild officers that showed up! So, I was promoted to Secretary of the guild and am now responsible for taking the meeting minutes and communicating them to the guild members who can’t (or won’t) show up for the meetings. I also started to be come a Rebel pilot.

Christmas was great. Even though my mom had to work that day, me, Shauna, Amy, Glen and my grandma got together and had a beef roast done in the crock-pot with carrots and onions, mashed potatoes, and rutabagers. Amy and Glenn brought over Jell-O shots with 151 in them and a pumpkin pie with chocolate crackle poured on top. Grandma brought a really awesome Jell-O desert with cherry pie filling in it. We ate, opened presents, and had fun. When grandma left in the early evening, I went and picked my mom up from work and she came over and we all ate more, played some poker and watched Ralphie on T.V. We also munched off a relish tray and summer sausage/cheese tray.

Sick Thought of the Day: Slowly pull the tampon out of the butt – But not too fast, or it’ll break off and cause an infection.

Using the Force

A few days ago, I decided to install Star Wars Galaxies and re-activate my account. I’ve gotten a bit tired of City of Heroes (although, it’s a great game). I think CoH just doesn’t have the variety of things to do as say, World of WarCraft or Galaxies. I’ve deactivated my CoH account in lieu of starting up Galaxies again.

So, anyway, I haven’t played SWG in about two years. I remember the real reason I quit was because of a couple different reasons:

1. The tedium of SWG was insane. I would log on and play the game for, maybe, about four or five hours per week at the time. My character, Zev Freelock (the original incarnation of the name), was this gunfighter guy who I was working on getting his pistolering skills up. I wanted him to be like a sharp-shooting Jango Fett, but he looked like Han Solo to a degree. Anyway, Zev has a house on Talus, a speeder bike (like the ones from Return of the Jedi) and I was part of a guild called the “New Republic”. The guild got to a point where, through inner turmoil between the higher officers, disbanded. That was a drag. Then, I realized that because I only played for four or five hours a week, that was just enough time to grind some missions and get enough money to pay the maintenance on my house, then I was broke again (houses have a cost associated with them for upkeep whether you’re logged into the game or not). So, I was getting nowhere fast. Even my speeder bike was deteriorating over time. All this, and it was hellishly tough to “level” up your character. There really weren’t any “levels” (like a level 20 Jedi, for example). All you had were tons of these skill trees that you would work on to gain expertise in such things as gunfighting, smuggling, bounty hunting, dancing (yes, dancing), etc. So, it was always quite difficult to gauge your place in the universe. And, I was clearly not spending enough time in the game to get ahead. Lots of negatives here.

2. No one I knew in real life played SWG, and that was a bit of a bummer. For some reason, if a game is “eh” for me, it can be really fun if I know the people in real life that are playing online with me. I’m not sure why that is. Anyway, Right around the time I’m getting tired of the game, CoH comes out and I start playing it. I get Millard involved and then Shauna gets hooked. We end up getting together at my place on a very regular basis and having a LAN party. Me, Shauna, and Millard would all sit in my office here and just kick some serious ass. We’d laugh, talk, and munch on goodies all night long on Friday nights, and sometimes would play all day Saturday too. It was a blast. That probably some of the most fun I’ve ever had playing a video game. Of course, we met some great people online and had fun with them too, but it wouldn’t have been the same without Millard and Shauna. Needless to say, the fun couldn’t last forever. We got to the point where the SuperGroup (i.e., guild) closed up shop for several reasons, and we all stopped playing CoH. That was another reason why I stopped playing SWG.

Well, I fired up SWG again recently, as I’ve said, and lo and behold the gaming system has completely changed. They now have levels you can attain for your character, the skill trees are pretty much all gone, and it’s not impossible to get money. Basically, all the things that I disliked about the game are now, well, just like WoW. It’s a lot of fun. And, I’ve gotten Zev to a point where he is now studying to be a Jedi instead of a gunfighter. Hopefully, I’ll get a chance to play some today.

I need to go get a greeting card and send it out to Misti and the kids today, and also need to ship presents to my brother in Michigan. That’ll take some time out of my game playing, damnit.  I also need to do some laundry, look for some jobs, clean the apartment up, and wash some dishes. Well, if I can get this all out of the way today, maybe I can realx tomorrow and play Galaxies.

Sick Thought of the Day: Jabba’s junk.

Slow Day

I got an early-morning call from my mom that my sister needed a ride home from the vet’s office. Evidently, her ride (a friend of the family) had to go to work and couldn’t wait around for her while my sister finished getting the paperwork finished for getting her cat’s nuts whacked off. I picked her up around 8:45am and we then went out for breakfast at McDonalds and then stopped off to take a look at a house they’ve been looking at buying.

I put up a new section for my family today called the Wish List. It’s an area of the site that we can get to that allows up to build Christmas (or birthday, etc.) lists and then make notes on the lists so that we all know what we’re getting each other for said holiday. Of course, the person that entered their list into the system won’t be able to see the comments of others, therefore won’t know what they’re getting. I’m brilliant.

I also worked on the Digital Archive some today. I’ve started to re-work the PC Video Games. When they are all re-done, I’ll make that new section show up on the site (right now it’s hidden and I’m the only one who can see it).

I think I will play some Dark Star One for a while until Shauna gets home from work.

Sick Thought of the Day: Shits that look like states.

As promised (albeit a little late), I’ve posted the pictures from Thanksgiving this past Thursday into the Picture Gallery. The day was great. We started out early, around 8:00am or so. I got the turkey cleaned and Shauna and I both buttered and seasoned it. We had prepped the rutabagas, stuffing, and green bean casserole the night before so the only “work we had to do was to cook the turkey and do the mashed potatoes. Food was done around noon, and we kept it warm until everyone arrived around 1:00pm. Glenn had to go to work really early on Friday, so everyone hung out until about 6:00pm and then left. In attendance were me, Shauna, my mom, my sister, Glenn, and my grandmother. Nobody choked on turkey this year, although there was about three metric tons of food in our bellies the whole day.

A while back, I picked up Burnout Legends and New Super Mario Bros. for the DS. I have updated the video game listing in the Archive.

I’ve been hard at work on rendering some short clips for a demo reel / portfolio that’s going up on the Suncoast Studios sight. I hope to use this to get a job or two out in L.A., working from home. The renders should be done in the next day or two (I’m behind since I had to re-build an entire scene because LightWave had a weird glitch).

The first few discs of BSG Season 2.5 will be arriving today. I may watch some before the Lightning game comes on later tonight.

I may be interviewing for a new IT job in Tampa in the next couple of days. More on that as I know more.

I think I’ll actually start getting the Christmas decorations up tomorrow.

Sick Thought of the Day: Canary in the bum.

BSG and DS

I’ve been watching a lot of Battlestar Galactica lately thanks to NetFlix. I got the first disc of season one earlier in the week and watched all the episodes that night. Last night I watched disc two in its entirety as well. I’ve also been watching Heroes still, and am loving that too. It’s still very weird to me to be carving out time to watch television shows, but once I catch up on BSG, it’ll be a lot more manageable.

Yesterday I bought a Nintendo DS Lite (I got the Polar White one) and four games to go with it (Brain Age, Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime, Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, and Retro Atari Classics). I’ve added all four games to the Digital Archive. I mainly got the DS because I’ve never owned a handheld gaming device, save my iPAQ, which I rarely enjoy the games on because of the kludgy controls (PDAs are simply not meant for gaming). That, and the fact that the Wii is coming out soon and Nintendo has stated many times that it will support the wireless features of the DS with the Wii. I think you’ll be able to use the DS as a controller, but will also be able to have special video content on the screens of the DS while playing your Wii games. The system is a lot of fun, and I’ve played each game a bit already, but I’m focusing on Rocket Slime the most right now, as that’s a fantasy RPG.

Well, today I’m going to clean my desk here and begin doing bills. Fun, fun, fun.

Sick Thought of the Day: Cram it in the nasal passage.


I finished Lego Star Wars on Monday night. The game is pretty cool, and I made it all the way through the story line. You can actually go back and play this mode called Freeplay, which allows you to use any of the characters you unlocked during Story mode and get to hidden areas you couldn’t before because your characters at the time lacked the skills. I went back and got through about 50% of the Freeplay stuff, then decided that I had enough.

So, last night I installed Star Wars: Empire at War and started running through the tutorials. I’ll probably play that again tonight. I played the demo for the game a couple of months ago, and liked it and, now that I’m re-learning it, I remember why I liked it so much. The game is a Real Time Strategy (RTS) game, ala Command & Conquer.

I’m going to be busy the next couple of nights getting my private life in order (paying bills, cleaning house, etc.) so I hope to be able to devote more time this weekend to gaming and finishing up a project for Jeff.

Sick Thought of the Day: Abdominal hemorrhaging into the toilet.

Zev Freelock

“Watch out ladies! Zev Freelock is back in Paragon! The debonair super hero is back in costume, helping the innocents of this great city. Keep looking up in the skies and you might catch a glimpse of him as he streaks by, on his way to vanquish evil-doers!”
-Rodney Zelf, Paragon Times

Yes, indeed, Zev is back. I installed City of Heroes on my computer a couple of days ago and also purchased City of Villains to compliment it. I’ve been having a lot of fun the last couple of days! I’ve added my Xfire information once again to the bottom of my homepage. Check it out and you can see what I’m playing. I ended up printing out all the maps for the game and have decided to give it another go – at least for a month. Fists of Flame, where are you?!?

I need to go get some chow now and watch the Lightning get their asses handed to them by Carolina.

Sick Thought of the Day: Pink Elephant love.

Pucks and Wii

I’ve joined a fantasy hockey league up on Yahoo! with a bunch of people I know from work. It’s fun. I like it. I will do it again next year. I enjoy watching the games (the Lightning at least), but it adds a little more now because I have players on my fantasy team from all over the real league, and I think I’ll get to a point real soon where I’ll watch those teams play on TV as well. At least once in a while. Speaking of which, the Lightning play tonight. Excellent.

I’m currently researching some ideas for some short films. I may start pre-production as early as November 1st. Keep watching the Suncoast Studios site for more info.

I tried to get a preorder in on a Nintendo Wii. I called ten different EB Games stores throughout Sarasota, Bradenton, Tampa, St. Pete, and Mt. Myers around 10:30am today. All preorders were filled except one store in northern Ft. Myers. They still had three left. I was psyched! I asked the guy if I could get one and he said, and I quote, “Sure, if you can make it down to the store.” Shit! I totally forgot about that snag. If I knew I could drive an hour and a half down to Ft. Myers and they’d still have one preorder available, I would’ve done it in a heart beat. I just couldn’t justify leaving work for three hours (round trip, ya know) and then have a high probability of coming back empty handed. My boss would have been cool with it if I actually gotten a Wii (he’s a gadget freak too). Oh well. I guess I’ll just wait until they start taking pre-orders on the EB Games website.

I watched The Score last night on DVD. A friend of mine from work lent it to me. It’s a great story. I think I’ve realized that I really enjoy movies where I root for the bad guy: The Thomas Crown Affair, Pulp Fiction, The Score, etc. I’m not sure why, but I think it has to do with the fact that you’re doing something you shouldn’t be doing (rooting for the guy who’s hurting everyone), which is an interesting way to get someone (like me) feel more like they’re part of the movie, suspending their disbelief more.

I will play a lot of Lego Star Wars this weekend, and hopefully finish it.

Sick Thought of the Day: Cough. Cough. CoughFartShit.